Our company was founded in early 2006. The names of the founders Juha Rinne and Pekka Rajala were submitted to the Finnish Patent and Registration Office together with the trade name of the enterprise, RR Site Service Oy. Juha Rinne gave up his share in 2019, and Pekka Rajala took on full managerial responsibility.
Our purpose was to become self-employed with project management tasks, but demand at that time was very high, and we both had always two projects ongoing at the same time. As a natural step, we then hired more people to work for us. Our demand grew steadily along with retirements of managers as well as project management and executive level personnel on the customer level.
From home to abroad
Long-term client relationships have secured the development of our turnover, meaning that we have been able to grow steadily. 2012 was a turning point in our personnel placement. That was the year when over 50% of our turnover was generated abroad or by working abroad. With this trend, growth has mostly taken place in this sector.
Power plant units by Finnish manufacturers have provided employment for our business ever since the beginning. Working with pre-manufactured components, construction supervision, commissioning, and approvals has guaranteed our personnel a steady workload.
Standardisation and certificates
Standardisation was one of our main objectives when starting the business. We had both been involved in the world of quality manuals, guidelines, internal audits, and accreditations earlier in our working lives. We received ISO 9001 standardisation in 2011 and have renewed it regularly ever since.
We are proud of our skilled personnel. Our staff turnover has been remarkably low. Our total strength at the moment is 25 persons, and we are planning more recruitments. Our task is to ensure that our staff is qualified. This we have accomplished since 2006, and we will keep investing in this by the careful planning of training in the future as well.
The international character of RR Site Service Oy and our characteristic Finnish qualities of functionality and dependability, as well as the professional way in producing the services required by our clients generate the kind of added value for our clients that they greatly appreciate.